„Generalprobe“ in der Kirche
Brackel, Dortmund
Die Wirklichkeit wollte es gut und weniger gut mit unseren Zielen. Wir waren gut im GINOT YAM NETANYA untergebracht und im Saquela Coffee Shop neben dem Cultural Center bestens versorgt. Aber - bei der Installation stellte sich heraus, dass zwei Teile fehlten: eine Stange und ein Schräubchen. Der Improvisationskunst unseres technischen Helfers Arye verdankten wir einen Ersatz. So konnte DER STERN FÜR NETANYA am 19.10.2009 in Netanya erstrahlen und den Kindern am 20.10. Wegweiser sein. Am gleichen Tag erhoben sich jedoch Windböen, die eine geplante Verankerung im Boden doch notwendig machten. In den folgenden Nächten wurde die Aufhängung durch den Vandalismus (vermutlich einiger Jugendlicher) so destabilisiert, dass ein Sturm, der am 23.10. aufkam, den Stern zerstörte, so dass er nach dem Shabbat am 24. 10. am 25.10.2009 demontiert werden musste. Das International Guitar Festival fand ohne den Stern statt. Am Folgetag wurde bei einer Sitzung mit dem Personal, dem Leiter des Zentrums Benny Shlomi des Kultur Zentrums und der Vertreterin der Oberbürgermeisterin vereinbart, Wege zu suchen, DEN STERN FÜR NETANYA an gleicher Stelle im Folgejahr unter Berücksichtigung der gemachten Erfahrungen neu zu installieren.

Der STERN am 20.10.2009

Stabilisierung am 21.10.

Eröffnung Kunstausstellung am Abend des 21.10.2009

Unsere Helfer Benny(l) und Arye

vom Wind zerstört, vor der Destallation am 25.10.2009
Die Übereinkunft am 26.10.2009

Leo Lebendig
26-10-2009 Netanya, Cultural Center

Dear twins, dear sisters and brothers,
with these words I began my speech, when our installation was opened last week. Today I have the opportunity to hand out to You a letter to Your Lord Mayor Ms. Miriam Frieberg-Ikar. The Mayer of Dortmund, Mr. Adolf Miksch, underlines in this letter, that “The Star for Netanya” should be a symbol for the deep und friendly partnership between our two cities and a symbolic sign for an long lasting peace in the Near and Middle East.

Dear sisters and brothers, when I delivered to your hands the just born Star of Netanya, six days ago, we all could not know, that its life would be very short – because of the many dangerous circumstances in it. I really hoped, that it would have a long life, full of fun and freedom. In my dreams I saw the star swinging to and fro in the warm sun and and moved by a slow wind. I was happy to see it shining white under the blue sky all the day and in its different colours during evening and night. And I imagined to listen to the wonderful sound of guitars during this week, when the Light of Peace would be shining.

But as a matter of fact, we have to consider, that the rope was destroyed by some kind of vandalisme. Only the security-rope, installed by Arie, to make sure, that the body of light could never fall down completely, fullfiled its function. Nobody knows exactly how it happened. Vandalisme happens everywhere. Young people like to have fun and do no think over the result. In our case, the ends of the destroyed rope proof it.

We have to be glad, that at least the star did not fall down, no one was hurt. And I myself have to confess, that I contributed to the desaster, because I had forgotten at home two little elements of my construction. And I have to thank very much our friend Arie, the technical chief of the Center, that he helped us so very much, to find the best and save solutions of all technical problems.

But because of the thoughtless behaviour of some youngsters and because of my own being forgetful the very stormy weather as the third reason of the desaster has haven a good chance to do the rest. The art-work had lost its stability and the storm could destroy it finaly.

Dear friends, art will not be admired, it will initiate and engage us to do the very best.

• What can we do now? As twins living in Dortmund and Netanya, we tried to give a free and peacefull life to The Star for Netanya. For the first time the Star was shining outdoor, under the sky and in front of the center – but only some few days. I want to propose, that we can learn by doing. And if we use, what we have learned in this year, we will be able to have a full success for a longer time when we come back in the next year 2010 with a new STAR FOR NETANYA.